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Review de la Winter Nights No.4 de GoS

Lorsque l'horloger suédois formé en Suisse Patrik Sjögren et le maître forgeron Johan Gustafsson ont uni leurs forces pour créer leur entreprise horlogère éponyme GoS, la combinaison du talent horloger pur et du bruit et des forces brutaux de la forge ardente, allait annoncer un style de montre, de conception et de fabrication qui est à la fois immédiatement reconnaissable et d'une beauté exceptionnelle


Tutima Tempostopp

Recreating a ‘lost’ calibre, Tutima have completely redesigned the UROFA Calibre 59 that once powered their Fliegerchronograph watches from the 1940s and in doing so,

Carl Suchy Belvedere Champagne

The case is of the Carl Suchy Belvedere Champagne is manufactured from stainless steel, and has a diameter of 40.8mm and a height of 12.2mm

Carl Suchy Belvedere Bordeaux

The case is of the Belvedere Bordeaux is manufactured from stainless steel, and has a diameter of 40.8mm and a height of 12.2mm and is

SpaceOne Black Titanium Tellurium

Wonderfully futuristic in both execution and arrangement, the SpaceOne Tellurium watch is a contemporary and simplified heliocentric tellurium, offered in limited edition series, and at

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